I see a number of clients with chronic fatigue in my therapy and nutritional counselling practice.  Recently there has been a number of research trials both in this country and the US leading to the conclusion that the recommended exercise programmes called ‘graded exercise therapy’ may not be beneficial (and could be harmful) for ME/CFS patients. In this country NICE are now reviewing and planning a full update of their guidelines for treatment. What is really positive is that in the US the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended that patients should talk to a therapist to help find strategies to cope with their illness. I’ll be keeping a close watch for the new NICE guidelines; let’s hope they are updated soon.

Why did it take the CDC so long to reverse course on debunked treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome?

Eileen Fisher

Eileen Fisher

Hello, I’m Eileen Fisher. I’m an indoor and outdoor therapist and nutritionist. I offer counselling and psychotherapy for both individuals and couples, as well as nutrition advice and support around disordered eating.

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