I offer online therapy via Zoom. Zoom is a safe, encrypted webcam software that will allow us to talk about what’s going on for you wherever you are in the world.
Having online therapy; some thoughts…
When you are having counselling online you have to take more responsibility for your environment; I’m not there to ensure the correct conditions are provided.
You will need to find yourself a quiet room where you will not be disturbed or overheard.
Imagine if you were having face to face therapy and someone walked in, it would be shocking! Your job is to make sure this does not happen when you have online therapy too.
You will have to make sure you are not going to be overheard by someone in the next room. If you are worried other people are going to hear you, you are less likely to share with me.
I work with people from all over the world with a few exceptions. I don’t work with people in the USA or Canada as these countries have different licensing laws for counselling and psychotherapy.