I always feel that as September draws closer it’s a bit like the beckoning of a new start. Things you might have been putting off because of the summer holidays such as losing weight can get going in September. It’s a time when you can regain some semblance of a routine as we go back to work and school.

A change in the season can also herald an opportunity to change our health habits for the better.

On Saturday, September 9th at The Affinity Centre, Cheadle my new course ‘Insight You and Your Eating’ begins.

A new approach to weight loss!

This is a 6-week course for two hours each week designed to help people who are in a cycle of yo-yo dieting. All you need to do is put aside a couple of hours on a Saturday morning to change your approach to weight loss forever.  I incorporate mindfulness, and techniques from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as well as Transactional Analysis and Compassion Focused Therapy to give you a variety of tools to break down your barriers to weight loss.

Making sense of why you eat, what you eat and when you eat it.

I offer a friendly, warm and relaxed approach and I won’t tell you what to eat or how much; I think you know that already!  We’ll work together in a small group setting and explore whether you eat to deal with your feelings. Is food a way to manage your day to day life?  There is another way and you can take away what you learn each week and put it into practice throughout the weeks ahead.

Press reset and go for it!

If you would like to book onto the course all you need to do is fill in the contact form and I’ll get back to you.

Eileen Fisher

Eileen Fisher

Hello, I’m Eileen Fisher. I’m an indoor and outdoor therapist and nutritionist. I offer counselling and psychotherapy for both individuals and couples, as well as nutrition advice and support around disordered eating.